When Love and Death Embrace

Welcome! => Welcome to the AerVin Boards! => Topic started by: Luminescence on September 02, 2007, 07:38:55 pm

Title: Hey :)
Post by: Luminescence on September 02, 2007, 07:38:55 pm
Zoe here, eternal-aeris from deviantART if you couldn't guess/didn't know. XD I decided it was about time I signed up. :)

EDIT: Oops! ;_; Wrong section of the board! Sorry!!

Title: Re: Hey :)
Post by: ChibiKinesis on September 03, 2007, 02:00:09 pm
Zoe here, eternal-aeris from deviantART if you couldn't guess/didn't know. XD I decided it was about time I signed up. :)

EDIT: Oops! ;_; Wrong section of the board! Sorry!!
*huggles* Welcome! xDDD Glad to have you :3

*giggle* Now if that frequent guest would sign up I'd be a REAL happy camper. They're here, like.. everyday O.o But they have yet to join. WTF? xD

Title: Re: Hey :)
Post by: Luminescence on September 03, 2007, 06:56:38 pm
Lol, and I thought I visited here a lot when I wasn't signed up. XD;