Title: A bit of Mad's VinAer art [if this is a double post, delete please] Post by: Mad on September 10, 2007, 04:11:42 pm [I have a really hard introducing myself formally, so I'm going to just post x_X]
Vell, I am Mad and here's some of my VinAer art, dating as far back as 2002. It's only a select few; I have so much art that spawned between 2002 and 2004. The file is attached since it's so darn big. My other art work can be found at o-coelo.deviantart.com and sketchfu.com/profile/termina I need to make more updated VinAer artwork. I forgot how much I loved them. Title: Re: A bit of Mad's VinAer art [if this is a double post, delete please] Post by: ChibiKinesis on September 10, 2007, 06:46:39 pm Aww, cuuuute :3 Welcome to the forums, by the way! Glad to have you :D
Title: Re: A bit of Mad's VinAer art [if this is a double post, delete please] Post by: ChibiKinesis on May 26, 2008, 01:18:03 am Test. |